A 9 Day Breathwork Challenge to Activate Your Superpowers! - UdemyFreebies.com

A 9 Day Breathwork Challenge to Activate Your Superpowers!

Personal Development



  • No experience needed. Only a desire to improve your health and well-being, and clear out your mind and body to make room for more happiness and Joy! A desire to heal and uplevel in your life with powerful ancient secret teachings that will activate your own superpowers!


Learn and practice the 8 Key Breaths of the Science of Mentalphysics for 9 days in a row from the comfort of your own home, with daily video instruction and exercises guided by Rev. Jody.

What IS The Science of Mentalphysics? It is a Science of the Knowledge of the Divine. It is a Science of FEELING.

The Science of Mentalphysics is Science and Spirituality coming together. An inner understanding of the Universe within. A super yoga (with breathwork, meditation, affirmations, and more) that can heal your body, mind and spirit... And activate your own Superpowers!

You will learn a brief history of the teachings that are thousands of years old...directly from the Monasteries in Tibet. As we go along we will be practicing different breathing positions and exercises called The 8 Key Breaths which balances your entire endocrine system and charges every cell of your being with health and wellness!

After each breath we relax deeply and listen to affirmations specific to each breath, and feel within ourselves. Observing and listening. And feeling what each breath does inside the body.

I guarantee you will be feeling better after this 9 Day Challenge than you did when you started or your money back!

Who this course is for:

  • This course is perfect for anyone who wants to discover ancient secret solutions for health and wellness, or jumpstart a daily wellness routine.
  • This course is ideal for anyone on a spiritual path, or anyone with a desire to access the Wisdom within.
  • This is an ideal class for someone who practices yoga or other breath work, or someone who desires to begin a yoga or breathwork practice..
  • This class is a must for anyone who would love more happiness and peace and joy in their life and relationships.
  • This course is for someone who wants to gain more energy and clarity and access their own superpowers!
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