Java For Beginners - 1st step towards becoming a Java Guru! -

Java For Beginners - 1st step towards becoming a Java Guru!




  • A computer/laptop: I have used Windows environment for this course
  • A small will to learn Java :)
  • Nothing else as software used in this course are free for personal use


A lot of efforts and time had been put in this course so that students can become Java experts very easily. All the lectures are arranged in a specific order to maximize the learning experience.

Along with 22.5 hours of Video lectures, you will find 70+ coding challenges and 100+ Quiz questions, which makes it a complete Core Java learning package.

Being an inquisitive student myself, I always wanted to know why's of everything. I sometimes got the answers, sometimes I didn't.

In this course, I have tried to give why's of most of the concepts. Rather than simply accepting the rules, if you know the reason behind, it is a lot easier to understand.

In my teaching experience, I have observed that traditional black/white boards are extremely effective teaching aids, therefore I used lots of screen drawing to simulate the same classroom experience. In the lectures I have also included a lot of practical tips and tricks, best practices and dos and don'ts, which will help you in professional assignments.

I will start this course by downloading, installing and configuring required software.
Then in next section, I will help you to write your first Java program in text editor as well as Eclipse IDE and I will slowly cover following topics in detail:

  • Understand JVM, JRE and JDK

  • Javadoc and developer comments and their significance.

  • Variables, Data Types and Operators

  • Control Statements Types

  • Java arrays and Command-line arguments

  • Packages, classpath and User-input 

  • Eclipse debugging in detail

  • Classes, objects, constructors, initialization blocks, type of variables, methods and Garbage collection

  • Object Oriented Programming Concepts: Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism and Abstraction

  • Access specifier, instanceof operator and casting

  • String, StringBuilder and Wrapper classes

  • Exception

  • Enums

To check the details of each topic, you can download course synopsis from Add-ons section.

If you want to get 100% out of this course, then I recommend completing the sections in sequence, don't jump :). Solve all the questions given in Video lectures along with Java Coding Challenge exercises, to practice your newly acquired skills. Attempt all the quiz questions provided at the end of each section to validate your knowledge.

Although respective source code is provided with the lectures; you can download complete workspace from Add-ons section.

If you have doubts, then please ask your questions in discussion board and I will reply to your queries within 24 - 48 hours.

Hope you enjoy this course and level up your Java expertise.


Modules were added in JDK 9 under the project codename JIGSAW. It itself is a vast topic to learn, which is not necessary at this time for learning core java concepts.

So, it is recommended to work with the latest JDK 8 release.

Once you are confident about your core concepts, then you can proceed with learning newly added features in JDK 9 onwards.

Copyright 2024 Udayan Khattry

All rights reserved. No part of this course may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author.

Who this course is for:

  • The course is ideal for beginners, no previous programming experience is required
  • Software developers working in other languages, switching to Java
  • Students / Java developers who are not confident about their current Core Java concepts
  • Professional not doing good in Core Java interviews / assignments
  • Java professionals with extensive knowledge and experience may not benefit much out of this course
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