Overcoming Today's Stress, Anxiety and Assault on Health - UdemyFreebies.com

Overcoming Today's Stress, Anxiety and Assault on Health

Health & Fitness



  • Basic Knowledge of English. (Subtítulos en español están disponibles para este curso)
  • A commitment to pracitce the many tools and strategies provided to have powerful experiences that improve your health and wellness
  • Willingness to apply the tools in order to transform your stress to be happy
  • Having stress in your life.


This course is designed to expand your vision of wellness and how your body functions, to help you overcome the layers of stress and anxiety that the pandemic has harmed the functioning of your immune and endocrine systems, rewired your brain with unhealthy neural networks and turned on many negative expressions of many of your genes that predispose you to mental and physical illness . You will discover many helpful approaches to use the Sciences of Epigenetics and Quantum Embodiment® to feel be more relaxed feeling and greater peace of mind, while you learn how to access your inner pharmacy to reduce drug, alcohol and medication usage while creating a super immunity to help keep you and your family safe and healthy.

Not only will the tools and strategies you learn teach you how to protect your family and yourself from this pandemic's illness and disease by using the most up to date scientific methods of neuroscience, epigenetics psychoneuroendocrinology and a healthy microbiome. Additionally the course will help empower you to deal with the new world that is emerging with the it's uncertainties for it is based on the belief that the first job we all have is to ensure we have optimal health and become self reliant as best as possible to not become a victim to the economic and political dangers we are constantly subjected to.

Who this course is for:

  • Individuals wanting to enhance their immunity for prevention against illness or disease, or those interested parties or professionals helping others
  • Those currently taking medications for depression, ADHD, insomnia, high blood pressure and thyroid imbalances
  • People looking to escalate their wellness to feel more empowered in their daily living
  • Anyone who needs a new perspective on life
  • Specialists in the field of health: This course can be used as a tool to help health professionals in therapy, consulting, psychology, and even teachers and leaders of social groups.
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