Laravel 10 - Making a Complete Non-Profit Charity Website -

Laravel 10 - Making a Complete Non-Profit Charity Website




  • Basic Knowledge in PHP Language
  • Basic Knowledge in OOP Concept
  • Knowledge about using local server. Ex: xampp, wampp or mamp
  • Basic knowledge about HTML, CSS and Bootstrap
  • Basic knowledge about using code editor like Notepad++, Sublime Text or any


In this course, I have taught the students the Laravel framework from scratch. After showing all the basics of Laravel, authentication system, template mastering etc., I have developed a complete real estate listing web application with the latest version of Laravel, Laravel 10.

The persons who are very beginner in Laravel and only have few php and oop idea, they will be benefitted the most from this course. But the advanced persons will also get help from this course, because I have coded following the standard and showed some advanced features.

Admin Panel Features:

  1. Admin can change logo, favicon etc.

  2. Admin can change top bar and footer information.

  3. Admin can update the home page information.

  4. Admin can update the contact page information.

  5. Admin can create, edit and delete sliders.

  6. Admin can create, edit and delete FAQs.

  7. Admin can create, edit and delete blog categories.

  8. Admin can create, edit and delete blog posts.

  9. Admin can create, edit and delete events.

  10. Admin can create, edit and delete causes.

  11. Admin can create, edit and delete why choose us section

  12. Admin can create, edit and delete testimonials.

  13. Admin can create, edit and delete photos of photo gallery.

  14. Admin can create, edit and delete videos of video gallery.

  15. Admin can send email to subscribers

  16. Admin can see all the user profiles

  17. Admin can manage volunteers

  18. Admin can change his own photo, information and password

  19. Admin can update the privacy policy page information.

  20. Admin can update the terms and conditions page information.

User Features:

  1. Users can create account for free

  2. Users can login and edit profile

  3. Users can reset the password if they forget

  4. Users can pay using PayPal and Stripe for any particular event to purchase tickets

  5. Users can pay using PayPal and Stripe for any particular cause to donate

  6. Users can see order history for cause or event ticket

  7. Users can see invoice and print for cause or event ticket

Who this course is for:

  • Persons who want to learn a php framework from scratch
  • Persons who want to learn making a complete web application from beginning
  • Persons who are looking for a good job in web development sector
  • Persons who want to learn making a non-profit charity application with Laravel
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