Learn everything about English all in one course - An Official Bestseller on Udemy.
English Grammar.
English Speaking.
English Punctuation.
English Writing.
English Pronunciation.
-- Now is the time for you to experience Udemy's best-selling English course. Over 100,000 Students have joined! --
New Update:
Learn to Speak with an American or British Accent: Try the new English pronunciation and accent section.
500+ new interactive Quiz Questions for Grammar, IELTS, TOEFL added: Practice and upgrade exam scores.
Are you ready to master the English language?Are you tired of learning the same simple topics and never really getting better at English speaking or English grammar?
This course will fix all those problems. This has been one of the top Udemy English courses for many years, and that is because I care about my students. The course is updated every month and run by me, Professor Scott Mendoza.
Still not sure? Keep reading to see how I will help you become better at English.
Why Choose the English Master Course?
Hundreds of Lessons: Over 40 hours of videos, many practice problems, and PDFs to download.
Complete Grammar Section: More than 90 grammar topics with videos and examples.
Speak Like a Native: Learn how to talk on many topics. Improve your speaking and learn new words.
Write Better: Understand English sentences and punctuation. Write more clearly.
Perfect Your Pronunciation: Practice making every English sound. Choose to learn an American or British accent.
Interactive Quizzes: Have fun with new quizzes every month that help you learn faster.
Access to an American Professor: Message me directly and get help with any English topic you need.
What You Will Achieve: You will do better in any English exam, speak and write more confidently, and build a new American or British accent.
The English Master Course covers all areas of English learning.
English grammar, English speaking, English writing with punctuation, and English pronunciation with accent training. There are over 40 hours of video lessons, hundreds of examples and practice problems, and full-length PDFs. You don't need multiple courses because I have put it all here AND I update the course every month with something new.
This course is HUGE. Basically 4 courses in 1.
English Grammar Section:
Over 90 different English grammar topics. No other course covers as many English Grammar topics.
Full video lessons and conversations showing you the English grammar in use.
You will learn to score higher on your English exams like TOEIC, IELTS, or TOEFL.
Hundreds of practice problems and examples. Full-length PDFs for offline learning.
English Speaking Section:
Learn to speak like a native English speaker.
Learn how to talk about over 27 different topics.
Learn hundreds of new English vocabulary, verbs, and phrases.
Improve your accent and gain confidence while speaking.
Includes American and British audio so you can pick which accent to learn.
75 full-length real conversations with native English speakers allowing you to truly master the English language.
English Writing Section:
Learn the grammar behind English sentences and their different structures.
Master all 14 English punctuation marks so you can write better and more professionally.
Get that new job you want or better grades in school.
Hundreds of examples and writing practice problems.
Full-length PDFs and video lessons.
English Pronunciation Section:
Build the perfect English accent.
The accent training section covers all the sounds of the English language.
Learn how to make each sound correctly.
Train your accent with professional voice actors using state-of-the-art accent training activities.
Pick an American or British accent.
Interactive Quiz Section:
Upgrade your test scores with hundreds of interactive quizzes tailored for IELTS, TOEIC, TOEFL, and more!
Carefully designed grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension exercises provide the perfect practice platform.
Gain instant feedback and clear explanations, turning every answer into a learning opportunity.
Perfect for on-the-go study or focused revision sessions.
New quizzes added every month.
After using this course:
You will ace tough English grammar tests such as A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, TOEFL, IETLS, AND TOEIC.
You will sound more professional at work and may even get that new job or promotion you want.
You will impress people with your new advanced English level.
Your English grammar, English speaking, and English writing will all improve.
You will develop a British or American accent and sound fluent.
Students love this course. See what some of them have to say about it:
Verberly C.
5 stars
"I have been using Course for success for over 2 years now, it was relevant then and even more so now, I always refer now and again to refresh my skills. The instructions and lessons are easy to follow and I am happy to be able to learn at my own pace."
Sandesh K
5 stars
"I'm a newbie in this course and really enjoying it. The best part is that the instructor is always there to answer your question. don't matter how many times you ask."
Lucas Ga
5 stars
"I like this English course a lot. It is not too hard to understand. The teacher explains everything clearly. I used to find English grammar very confusing, but now it's getting easier. I watch the videos and they show me how to use the words right. The speaking lessons are good too. I listen and repeat, and my English speaking is better now. I also like the accent training. I try to sound like the people in the videos. My friends say my English is much better. I feel happy when I talk in English now. This course helps me a lot and I think it will help other people too."
Fatima Al-Farsi
5 stars
"What sets this course apart for me is the detailed practice questions. Each question helped my understanding and the provided explanations helped me grasp where I was going wrong. From struggling with tenses to stumbling over complex sentence structures, I've seen myself evolve. My friends and colleagues have noticed the improvement in my conversational skills and accent. The course has everything you need."
Who is this course for?
Great for all levels. Beginners, intermediate, and advanced. I have made sure students of any level can succeed with this course.
I guarantee everything you need to become an expert English language user is found in this English master Course.
This is the only course that teaches you English grammar in use and also shows you how to use it in real English speaking and conversation so you can improve all areas of the English language.
Every topic has dozens of useful English examples, video lectures, guided practice, and real-life English conversations. Hundreds of worksheet PDFs full of practice problems to help you learn the English language.
The creator of this course is from the United States and a real-life university professor. I will answer any questions you have 24/7.
Start learning English the easy way. Add the course and we can begin learning now.
Message from Scott, the course creator:
Hello, all native English language enthusiasts with the zeal to learn English grammar, use punctuation marks for writing, and become the best at speaking English. I welcome you all to my course page. I have been teaching the English language for many years and have seen most people are still insecure about their use of English. It is possible to master English grammar and English speaking. I will help you be confident when you speak and write.
This English language course is the perfect tool for anyone who wants to scale through every phase of English learning seamlessly. Ideal for anyone interested in information regarding the English language, how to learn English, English grammar, spoken English, English speaking, English writing, English punctuation, and English pronunciation. I am happy to share my course with you and be part of your journey to be fluent in English grammar, English speaking, English writing, and English pronunciation.
With all my experience teaching English language students to the advanced level, I will guide you through the journey of mastering English grammar, speaking, and writing.
I hope to see you all in the course.
Good luck.
Langpill | Learn English | Speaking | Listening | Writing | Pronunciation
Subtitles in over 30 languages:
- Arabic: الترجمة متوفرة - تعلم قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية، والتحدث بالإنجليزية، والكتابة بالإنجليزية، وعلامات الترقيم بالإنجليزية، والنطق بالإنجليزية
- Bengali: সাবটাইটেল পাওয়া যায় - ইংরেজি ব্যাকরণ, ইংরেজি বলা, ইংরেজি লেখা, ইংরেজি বিরামচিহ্ন এবং ইংরেজি উচ্চারণ শিখুন
- Bulgarian: субтитри налични - Научете английска граматика, говорене, писане, пунктуация и произношение
- Czech: titulky dostupné - Naučte se anglickou gramatiku, mluvení, psaní, interpunkci a výslovnost
- Danish: undertekster tilgængelige - Lær engelsk grammatik, tale, skrivning, tegnsætning og udtale
- Dutch: ondertitels beschikbaar - Leer Engelse grammatica, spreken, schrijven, interpunctie en uitspraak
- Estonian: subtiitrid saadaval - Õppige inglise keele grammatikat, rääkimist, kirjutamist, kirjavahemärke ja hääldust
- Filipino: mga subtitle na magagamit - Matuto ng Ingles na balarila, pagsasalita, pagsusulat, bantas, at bigkas
- Finnish: tekstitykset saatavilla - Opi englannin kielioppia, puhetta, kirjoittamista, välimerkkejä ja ääntämistä
- French: sous-titres disponibles - Apprenez la grammaire anglaise, la parole, l'écriture, la ponctuation et la prononciation
- German: Untertitel verfügbar - Lernen Sie englische Grammatik, Sprechen, Schreiben, Zeichensetzung und Aussprache
- Greek: υπότιτλοι διαθέσιμοι - Μάθετε αγγλική γραμματική, ομιλία, γραφή, σημεία στίξης και προφορά
- Hebrew: כתוביות זמינות - למד דקדוק אנגלי, דיבור, כתיבה, פיסוק והגייה
- Hindi: उपशीर्षक उपलब्ध हैं - अंग्रेजी व्याकरण, बोलना, लेखन, विराम चिह्न और उच्चारण सीखें
- Hungarian: feliratok elérhetőek - Tanulja meg az angol nyelvtant, beszédet, írást, írásjeleket és kiejtést
- Indonesian: subtitle tersedia - Pelajari tata bahasa Inggris, berbicara, menulis, tanda baca, dan pelafalan
- Italian: sottotitoli disponibili - Impara la grammatica inglese, il parlato, la scrittura, la punteggiatura e la pronuncia
- Japanese: 字幕利用可能 - 英語の文法、話し方、書き方、句読点、発音を学ぶ
- Korean: 자막 이용 가능 - 영어 문법, 말하기, 쓰기, 구두점, 발음 배우기
- Latvian: subtitri pieejami - Mācieties angļu valodas gramatiku, runāšanu, rakstīšanu, pieturzīmes un izrunu
- Lithuanian: subtitrai prieinami - Mokytis anglų kalbos gramatikos, kalbėjimo, rašymo, skyrybos ir tarimo
- Polish: napisy dostępne - Ucz się gramatyki angielskiej, mówienia, pisania, interpunkcji i wymowy
- Portuguese: legendas disponíveis - Aprenda gramática inglesa, fala, escrita, pontuação e pronúncia
- Punjabi: ਸਬ ਟਾਈਟਲ ਉਪਲਬਧ ਹਨ - ਅੰਗਰੇਜ਼ੀ ਵਿਆਕਰਣ, ਬੋਲਣਾ, ਲਿਖਾਈ, ਵਿਰਾਮ ਚਿੰਨ੍ਹ ਅਤੇ ਉਚਾਰਣ ਸਿੱਖੋ
- Romanian: subtitrări disponibile - Învață gramatica engleză, vorbirea, scrierea, punctuația și pronunția
- Russian: субтитры доступны - Изучайте английскую грамматику, разговорный, письменный язык, пунктуацию и произношение
- Simplified Chinese: 字幕可用 - 学习英语语法、口语、写作、标点符号和发音
- Slovak: titulky k dispozícii - Naučte sa anglickú gramatiku, reč, písanie, interpunkciu a výslovnosť
- Spanish: subtítulos disponibles - Aprende gramática inglesa, hablar, escribir, puntuación y pronunciación
- Swedish: textning tillgänglig - Lär dig engelsk grammatik, tal, skrivande, skiljetecken och uttal
- Thai: มีคำบรรยาย - เรียนไวยากรณ์ภาษาอังกฤษ, การพูด, การเขียน, วรรคตอน, และการออกเสียง
- Turkish: altyazılar mevcut - İngilizce dilbilgisi, konuşma, yazma, noktalama işaretleri ve telaffuz öğrenin
- Ukrainian: субтитри доступні - Вивчайте англійську граматику, мовлення, письмо, пунктуацію і вимову
- Urdu: سب ٹائٹل دستیاب ہیں - انگریزی گرامر، بول چال، تحریر، رموز اوقاف اور تلفظ سیکھیں
- Vietnamese: phụ đề có sẵn - Học ngữ pháp tiếng Anh, nói, viết, dấu câu, và phát âm
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