Mini Grammar Tests -

Mini Grammar Tests

Teaching & Academics


Course Description

Learn English grammar by going through many grammar tests with a native-English speaking instructor. Learn about common English mistakes and why they are made. Learn about what grammar mistakes you miss when you are checking your own grammar.

Get Much Better at Grammar by Going Over Lots of Grammar Tests

  • 12 grammar tests
  • Thorough explanations
  • 12 printable grammar tests for you
  • All answers provided

I designed this course to be very similar to what I cover in my English classes at my university in Canada. I know that students are really interested in what mistakes they have made on English tests. When I hand back tests in my classes, I always get many questions from students about what is wrong and why it is wrong. These explanations have a huge impact on helping students understand grammar and improve for next time. In this course you can benefit from a variety of test with many different grammar mistakes to find and fix. If you find and fix mistakes then your grammar knowledge is better. If you miss some and then I explain them to you, you will be better for next time.

What are the requirements?

  • You will need to know how to follow along with an English Instructor who is discussing grammar in English.
  • You will need to be able to follow through and watch all the content.

What am I going to get from this course?

  • make fewer grammar mistakes when taking tests or writing in English.
  • understand English better and so be better at communicating.
  • get higher scores on grammar tests in school or university.
  • know why you have made mistakes in the past and how to avoid them.

Who is the target audience?

  • This is for intermediate English students who want to improve their grammar understanding and fluency.
  • This is for high school or university students in English classes.
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