Python For Beginners +400 Tricks To Pass PCEP Certification -

Python For Beginners +400 Tricks To Pass PCEP Certification




  • No Programming experience needed
  • No knowledge for Python needed


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____ 3x1 : Three goals in only one course ! _____ 

3x1 : 
1- Learn Python ! 2-Get certified for Python PCEP 2025 in 1st attemp !3-Prepare Python interviews & Codingame Tests !

You're here because you want to learn Python, to pass certification (PCEP,PCAP...) right? And you're looking for a Python course that can quickly teach you the basics?

Perfect - this is the Python for Beginners course for you !

Whether you want to be a data scientist or do app developmentweb development, or automation machine learning - Python is the most popular programming language in the world and is essential to becoming a modern programmer.

Key concepts of this course?

1- Introduction

2- Characteristics and Use Cases

3 - Local Setup: Install Python & Pycharm IDE

4- Topic 1, Data Aggregates (Lists , Sets, Tuples & Dictionaries)

5- Topic 2, Operators (Logic and Bit Operations)

6- Topic 3, Basics

7- Topic 4, Functions

8- Topic 5, Error Handling ( Exceptions)

9- Topic 6, Data Types & Variables

10- Topic 7, Control Flow (Conditional Blocks & Flow- Loops)

11- Topic 8, Mixed questions

What makes this Python course different?

We realized that there are many Python courses and tutorials out there. But many of them are daunting for absolute beginners - and don't make Python as fun and easy as it can be.

That's why we've created Python in a short Period , the Easiest Python for Beginners Course.

We truly believe the best way to learn Python is to just get started. You don't need to watch dozens of hours of lessons to learn the basics. For many of you, it's better to start with something a little more simple, and a lot more fun.
We prepare for you dozens examples with ready code to run in Pycharm with more details for every line of code .

That's what this Python course is.

What do you get with this course?

  • Learn how to run scripting with Python

  • Access of all code example in github repos

  • Practice files to follow along with

  • Instructor feedback and support if you ever get stuck

  • Lifetime access to course updates

  • Understand computer science concepts such as flow control and functions

Prepare to pass your Certification PCEP

PCEP Topics Exams:

Computer Programming and Python Fundamentals – (18%)

Control Flow - Conditional Blocks and Loops – (29%)

Data Collections - Tuples, Dictionaries, Lists, and Strings – (25%)

Functions and Exceptions - (28%)

Who this course is for:

  • People interested in programming who have no prior programming experience
  • Become Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer (Python PCEP)
  • Newer Python programmers who need a refresher on Python
  • Students taking a Python class in school who want a supplementary learning resource
  • Anyone else who is interested in learning Python
  • This course is NOT for experienced Python programmers
  • People interested to start working with Odoo 18 ( Odoo is a Python Framework )
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