Structural drawing of RC members with CAD RC/RebarCAD -

Structural drawing of RC members with CAD RC/RebarCAD




  • No knowledge of structural detailing is needed. Student requires a laptop or desktop PC with CadRc installed in it.


Structural detailing is also referred to as structural drawing. It is the drafting of the results obtained from structural design in a concise and accurate way in other to ensure perfect interpretation by whosoever has concern for the drawing. There are few notable softwares for carrying out Structural drawings both in 2D and 3D. Some of these softwares are standalone but most of them are Plugins to either AutoCAD or Revit. One of the leading softwares to carry out structural drawing is Cad RC. Cad RC is a plugin for AutoCAD that enables you to make a structural drawing of any form in 2D. This course is undoubtedly the best video you could take in order to learn how to prepare structural drawings. In this courses, you’ll learn how to detail the span and section of a single span beam, you’ll as well learn how to detail the span and section of a multiple span beams. Also, you’ll learn how to detail columns running across several storeys. One of the lessons you’ll learn also include the detailing of irregular slab, a spread footing and stairs. Lastly, you’ll learn how to prepare the bar bending schedule and also estimate the quantity of rebar required in tonnage.

Who this course is for:

  • Beginners in structural detailing of RC members.
  • Experts in structural detailing who wish to add one or two to their knowledge
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