Uplevel your Watercolour Floral Paintings-How to give depth? - UdemyFreebies.com

Uplevel your Watercolour Floral Paintings-How to give depth?




  • A total beginner friendly course - any paints , brushes , paper as per convenience
  • I am watercolor artist- so I have used - watercolors, watercolor brushes , watercolor paper for this class . Thats the ideal supplies for the class



Learn to give DEPTH to your watercolor flowers and make them fabulous so that they pop out of the page and spread the beauty.

If you ever want to paint those fabulous flowers in watercolors in your own style. This class is for you.

Whether you are a complete beginner or intermediate, this class is perfect for forming a strong foundation in watercolors. In this class-

1) I will be teaching - how to break complex flowers into simple shapes

2) How to give depth to the flowers

3) The secret of avoiding OVER-WORKING.

4) how to paint flowers with full depth in one color.

Believe me, If you can paint a flower in one color, you can paint numerous flowers plus you will be ready to step up and put different colors in a flower.

I am a core believer in making a strong foundation and learning basics, So, all my classes and courses will help you do that. This is just one of them.

Also, If you are ready to learn more and get committed to painting flowers in your style. I welcome you to join my 8 week signature course- MAKING ALIGNED ART where you learn in depth how to paint watercolor florals from references in your style. You can contact me on instagram-travelthroughmycanvas

For now, Get ready to learn some amazing things and level up your watercolor paintings. I am sure this class will change the way you paint your flowers.

Who this course is for:

  • Beginner watercolor /gauche/acrylic artist
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