Bonds - Trading | ETFs | Bond Accounting | Bond Market -

Bonds - Trading | ETFs | Bond Accounting | Bond Market

Finance & Accounting



  • Interest in Bond Market: To take any of this course, one has to have the willingness to make a career in the Fixed Income Market. He should have an interest in the Bond Valuation and GSec Valuation.
  • Strong Analytical Skills: This course requires a high level of analytical skills in performing various valuations for Fixed Income Securities like CP, NCD, Bonds, etc.
  • Strong quantitative skills: This Course will require the Candidate to be mathematically Strong as he will be working more on Quantitative methods like bond Valuation, Gsec Valuation, NCD and CP Valuations, and Trading of Debt Securities in the Secondary Market.


This Fixed Income Training Course will teach you how to Value Bonds and compute the Bond Yield. You will learn the below-mentioned topics :

  • Types and Features of Bonds

  • The basic process for Valuations

  • Calculate Bond Yield and IRR

  • Relationships in Bond Valuation

Course will teach you how to compute Bond Yields and what are the components of the same. You will learn the below-mentioned topics :

  • Detailed Bond market Analysis

  • Bond Trading & Strategies

  • Process of Issuance of Bonds

  • What are Structural Bonds and how do they work

Course will teach you various concepts and techniques to determine the Fair Value of the Bond required in Investment Decisions. You will learn the below-mentioned topics :

  • Introduction to Fixed Income Valuation

  • Bond price and Yield

  • YTM

  • Callable/ Putable Bonds

learn Curve Trading, Managing Interest Rate Risk, and Portfolio Management. You will learn the below-mentioned topics :

  • Repo and Reverse Repo

  • Interest Rate Risk

  • Yield Curves

  • Interest Rate Derivatives

  • Portfolio Management

Fixed Income (Bond) valuation and analysis is a strategy or process which is often used by the government or companies to determine the correct market value of the instrument. Through this course we are going to be learning bond pricing techniques, bond mathematics and curve trading. The training will include the following;

  • Understanding Bond Mathematics

  • Practical Bond Pricing Techniques

  • Term Structure of Interest Rates

  • Using Duration as a Hedging or Trading Technique (Concept of Duration and convexity)

  • Trading the Yield Curve with Cash Market Securities

  • Yield Curve

  • An Introduction to Curve Trading

  • Money market Instruments

  • Certificates of Deposit (CDs)

Fixed Income course and is designed for those who want to learn about fixed Income. Through this course you will be learning basic features of fixed income, bond indenture, credit enhancements, fixed income cash flows, primary & secondary market for bonds, fixed income classifications, corporate debt, agency debt, calculating bond price, market discount rate, constant yield price trajectory, bond valuation with spot rates, forward rates, matrix pricing, yield to call, spread & its impact, calculation of bond rate, duration with convexity, effects of change in YTM and many more concepts. The training will include the following; Bond Pricing and Valuation, Future Cash Flow, Forward Rate, Accrued Interest, YTM, Duration, Modified Duration, BPV, Convexity, Cheapest-To-Deliver.

Who this course is for:

  • Students: It refers to the Undergraduates or Graduates who have just joined College and willing to start a Career Debt Markets.
  • Debt Dealers: It refers to those professionals who are already working in a Company in the Fund Management Team as a Debt Dealer in primary and Secondary Markets. This will help them to enhance their skills in the Fixed Income Space and keep them updated about the latest developments in the Fixed Income Market.
  • Risk Managers /analyst: this course will be very useful for those who are working in the Risk Management Department of the Company to know more about the Bond Valuation and the strategies to control the Swings in the Yield Curve.
  • Statisticians: This Fixed Income Training Course will also be good for those who are professionals in Statistics and are willing to make a career in the Fixed Income space analyzing the Debt Instruments and tracking their movement daily.
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