Welcome to our in-depth course on building modern web applications using GraphQL with Node.js, React and Apollo! Whether you're a beginner looking to dive into full-stack development or an experienced developer aiming to enhance your skills, this course is designed to guide you through every step of the process in a clear and engaging way.
Course Overview:
In this course, you’ll learn how to build a fully functional car rental application from scratch. We’ll start with the basics and work our way through setting up your environment, defining your data models, and integrating powerful tools like Apollo Client and Apollo Server.
What You’ll Learn:
Understanding GraphQL
Discover what GraphQL is, how it differs from REST, and why it's such a game-changer for modern APIs. Get hands-on with Apollo Client and Apollo Server.
Building the Go Rental Application
Create your project, connect to MongoDB, and integrate Apollo Server.
Define your Car schema and resolvers to manage car data.
Managing Car Resources
Build, read, update, and delete car data. Learn how to seed your database with sample data.
Shared Resources among Frontend & Backend
Set up a shared package that can be used on the frontend and backend after installation.
Real-Time Booking Notifications
Send real-time booking notifications to admin with GraphQL Subscripts & Websockets
Developing the React Frontend
Set up your React application, integrate ShadCN for a sleek UI, and connect it with Apollo Client.
Render car data, handle images, and build a responsive UI with components like loaders and headers.
Integrating Google Maps
Integrate Google Maps for location-based features, including auto-complete and map rendering.
Enable users to search for cars based on location and available dates.
Advanced Features: Search, Pagination, and Filters
Implement search functionality, filters, and pagination both on the backend and frontend.
Error Handling
Create robust error-handling mechanisms for both backend and frontend, including user-friendly notifications and alerts.
Authentication and Authorization
Build user authentication with registration, login, and secure password management.
Integrate GraphQL Shield for authorization to control access to different parts of your app.
User Profile Management
Allow users to update their profiles and passwords, upload avatars, and integrate Cloudinary for image storage.
Implement a secure process for users to recover their passwords.
Car Booking System
Develop a car booking system, including a date picker component and payment integration with Stripe.
Handle booking details, and updates, and generate invoices.
Handling User Reviews
Create and manage car reviews, allowing users to leave feedback and view ratings.
Admin Panel
Build an admin dashboard to manage cars, bookings, users, and reviews.
Add features for handling FAQs and coupon codes to enhance the app’s functionality.
Learn how to prepare your application for deployment and deploy it on Render.
Why Enroll?
Hands-On Experience: Build a real-world rental application from start to finish.
Comprehensive Coverage: Cover every aspect of development, from setting up your environment to deploying your app.
Engaging Content: Follow clear, easy-to-understand instructions with practical examples.
Future-Proof Skills: Master GraphQL, Node.js, and React – technologies in high demand today.
Join us in this course and transform your development skills with practical, hands-on learning!
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